May 13: What If Jesus Comes Back Like That

Today I passed by a music store on my way to church. I heard a nice song playing so I entered the shop to listen some more but it soon finished. I got curious who was that singing or what the title of the song was because I really liked the song and the voice behind it. I checked on the album that was placed beside the player and looked at the compilation songs and singers listed on the back cover. The songs were played on random mode so it confounded my guessing. So I thought it can be this “Collin Raye” the song “Love, Me”. I left and continued to the church. I retained the name in my head because I wanted to research it later on Youtube. As soon as I got home, I went online and when I typed Collin Raye this song came up. I listened to it again and again. I checked on his other songs and they were biblical. There’s “What If Jesus Comes Back Like That” and “A Bible and a Bus Ticket Home”.

Last Friday May 11 I called my mother and told her on the phone about my dream on May 9 about us on a trip but we (I and bro) never got to the bus except her. I told her it can be a message of rapture and I was left behind. As I was narrating the story I was facing the computer Youtube to be specific and I got a confirmation because when I glanced the word “rapture” was on the screen!

What if Jesus comes back in our lifetime? Are you ready? Do you have a bible and a bus ticket home?

PS. A stranger approached me while sitting at a bench. He introduced himself he comes from Mauritius. He handed me a brochure about the 4 horses in the book of Revelation and he was holding a book in French entitled “The Return of Jesus Christ”. Wow so many confirmations! That was last month.

About alibughanganak

the struggles of my Christian life
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